Endorsed by IBEW Local 347 and Ankeny City Councilor Jeff Perry!

Nathan Willard in purple striped shirt looking at the camera with water in the background
Photo Credit: Connor Henzi
Ankeny is a great city. Over the past ten years, we’ve planned sensibly, maintained a low borrowing rate to maximize the return on our infrastructure investment, and seen developers build more diverse housing options for our growing population. 
But we can still do better. I want to:
Help our city find new ways to give our residents, employers, and non-profits a leg up, and help those non-profits provide the services a growing city needs.
Do a better job of communicating with residents and fostering a sense of ownership in Ankeny. 
Find new ways for employees to live side by side with their employers.
Work with developers to create new retail and commercial hubs so that more people in Ankeny can walk or bike to work, school, and shopping.
Maintain the fiscal discipline necessary to keep our borrowing costs down.
But most of all, I want to build neighborhoods where everyone belongs.


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